Smart shipping leader

Open up new forms of water transportation and operational intelligence

China’s first ship

China’s first autonomous cargo ship “Zhifei”
Advanced assisted driving, remote control driving

Transportation power

The Ministry of Transport appointed a pilot unit for the construction of “Transportation power” – research and

Pilot application

The first batch of “Pilot Applications for Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Shipping” by the Ministry of Transport

Full-stack R&D Capabilities  Massive Real Ship Experiment Data

Modular products for the whole ship system

Full-stack R&D Capabilities  Massive Real Ship Experiment Data

Full stack self-research, massive data

The only company in China that runs the full functional process of ship autonomous driving in commercial

The first enterprise in China to establish remote operations control center and realize remote driving

It has a large amount of real ship data and continues to drive the iteration of intelligent navigation algorithms

Sensing system multi-source heterogeneous fusion, depth vision algorithm, to provide multi-dimensional

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