The second half of life, fight is healthy

The charm of a person is usually not in his appearance, but in his temperament. If the appearance is not very good, if the temperament is excellent, then in the minds of others, the temperament will be a bonus for him, but the role of appearance is not so obvious. A beautiful person, if the temperament is particularly prominent, then he is the focus of everyone’s eyes. The formation of temperament is not overnight, not overnight, only little by little accumulation, the temperament can be shown to have qualitative changes.

In the era of The Three Kingdoms, there was such a prodigy.

When he was young, he was eight feet long and had a face like a crown of jade. In his prime, he settled down in the south and attacked Cao Wei in the north. In the battle against the powerful enemy, he used his troops like a genius and achieved outstanding results.

However, jealous of his talents, his unfulfilled life was frozen at the age of 54, and he died in the army, which failed to revive the Han Dynasty until his death, leaving endless regrets.

He was the famous Prime minister of Shu Han, Zhuge Liang known as “Wolong”.

Looking back on his short life, one can feel all sorts of things:

Life is in a hurry, in the face of disease, even compared to Guan Zhong Leyi, chides surprise wind and wind, also become vulnerable.

American psychologist Maslow believes that only people who are physically and mentally healthy can volatilize personal potential and use all wisdom and ability to the extreme.

Health is the pillar and foundation of the soul. Having health does not mean having everything, but losing health means losing the world.

It is said that the second half of life is health.

Health is the best feng shui

In 181 AD, Zhuge Liang was born in a wealthy family in Langya. His father Zhuge GUI was appointed to Taishan County.

Zhuge Liang was gifted from his childhood and had a happy childhood.

Unfortunately, his parents died young. At the age of 16, Zhuge Liang came to Jingzhou with his uncle Zhuge Xuan. Soon after, his uncle also died of illness, and he went into seclusion in Longzhong, a small mountain village near Xiangyang.

Longzhong is a place with beautiful scenery, suitable for self-cultivation. Su Dongpo has a poem cloud: “Cloud ancient long, ten thousand trees mulberry Zhe Mei.”

Ruying Dodges, born in Shandong.

According to the records in the Annals of The Three Kingdoms, the adult Zhuge Liang was heavyset and handsome.

In Longzhong ten years, Zhuge Liang cultivated during the day, studied at night, and met friends at leisure. Although the days are poor, but work and rest healthy and regular, this is the most energetic period in his life.

In addition to studying Confucian classics, Zhuge Liang also extensively studied various classics of the Warring States period.

Eager for knowledge, he learned from Sima Hui, a master of Water mirror, and made friends with Duke Pang De of Xiangyang and his son Pang Tong, making “four friends of Zhuge”.

Zhuge Liang often gathered with this group of talented friends to comment on current affairs, study the art of war, and increase their knowledge.

It is the age of youth, energetic Zhuge Liang, not only hone the heart, read poetry, but also make friends, aim high.

Under the influence of Longzhong’s beautiful environment and rich cultural atmosphere, he became a military strategist with rich knowledge and full of classics, which laid a solid foundation for the future take-off of Wolong.

Educator Sukhomlinsky said: “Good health and full of vigorous energy, this is a vital source of vitality to perceive the world, full of optimism, and generate the will to overcome all difficulties and obstacles.”

Life is like a bow, relaxation has strength, hardness and flexibility and wisdom.

If there was no such painstaking learning experience, there would be no Zhuge Liang’s strategize and decisive victory. This period of time in Longzhong, let him from a young and astringent gradually transformed into a mature wise man.

At this time, Zhuge Liang, physical and mental health, heroism, wisdom and courage, life can be described as the spring breeze.

If you overlive, you really die

The age of 27 was the watershed of Zhuge Liang’s life.

In order to realize his ambition, he accepted Liu Bei’s sincere invitation to visit the cottage three times, “on the occasion of the defeat of the army, ordered to be in danger”, reluctantly left Longzhong, where he lived for ten years, and bid farewell to the quiet rural life from now on.

He spent the rest of his life almost in the midst of war and chaos, never having a day off.

“After the master Table” mentioned that he had “five days across the filter, deep hair, and the sun to eat.” On the way to the march, the conditions were bad, the wind and weather slept in the open, and the mind was exhausted, so that Zhuge Liang’s health was seriously damaged.

As the prime minister of a country, it is Zhuge Liang’s normal work. In today’s words, he is a complete workaholic, the workload is better than “996”.

At the same time, Zhuge Liang is a person who knows how to be grateful, and he always does not forget Liu Bei’s gratitude for visiting the cottage three times.

Bustling with criminals and reviving the Han Dynasty became Zhuge Liang’s lifelong belief. However, burdened with huge psychological pressure, Zhuge Liang seems calm, but in fact, he is physically and mentally exhausted.

His body, too, was sending out warning signs.

Once, when he heard that Yong General Zhang Bao had died, he could not help but grieve and spit blood. He fell ill and became bedridden to the extent that he could not govern.

When Guan Xing died of illness, Zhuge Liang immediately burst into tears and fainted for a long time before he recovered.

Unfortunately, Zhuge Liang did not take these diseases to heart and still fought hard on the battlefield.

The philosopher Heraclitus said, “Without health, wisdom cannot be expressed, culture cannot be exercised, power cannot be fought, wealth becomes waste, and knowledge cannot be used.”

Physical and mental long-term in a state of anxiety, so that Zhuge Liang’s brain lack of correct judgment, resulting in many major decision-making mistakes, such as, “Ma lost street Pavilion” incident.

During the first northern expedition, Jieting was an important military place, and Zhuge Liang sent Ma Su to defend it. Ma Su believed that he was proficient in the art of war, and did not listen to dissuades on the battlefield, trying to station his troops on the hill and in a commanding position. Unexpectedly, when Sima Yi came to attack, he trapped Ma Su on the hill and set fire to the hill, so that Ma Su’s army lost the Jieting.

At the same time, Zhuge Liang’s habit of doing everything by himself made him fail to establish a good talent training mechanism.

The northern invasion of the Central Plains has been difficult, the objective reason is that Shu Han lacks the strength to fight against Wei. But more importantly, he lacked available talent, so he had to do everything himself, which led to deteriorating health and a decline in the entire war.

In the Battle of Wuzhangyuan, the Shu army came from far away, and the transportation of food and grass was inconvenient, and they could not afford to fight a war of attrition. The sick Zhuge Liang was so anxious that he used all kinds of tricks to force Sima Yi to go to war, but the other side did not go to war angrily, but asked Zhuge Liang’s diet and life.

When Sima Yi learned that Zhuge Liang could only eat a little rice a day, he joyfully concluded that Zhuge Liang’s life was at an end.

Sure enough, after the two armies held each other for several months, Zhuge Liang died of illness in the army, leaving the unfinished dream of reviving the Han Dynasty. The morale of the Shu army fell sharply and they retreated.

Bacon said, “A healthy body is the parlour of the soul; a sick body is its prison.”

Without health, even if you have unparalleled talent, how can you realize your dreams and great achievements?

The human body is like a precision instrument, only when each part is running freely, people will be full of vitality. Just like Zhuge Liang’s time in Longzhong, everything went smoothly.

However, during the northern expedition, his body has been in a state of overload, coupled with poor diet and sleep, induced disease, and everything went wrong. Premature aging and premature death are also reasonable.

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